Monday, April 5, 2010

Day 11 and the defense rests

April 5, 2010, Day 11 of the civil trial against Sal Rosselli, NUHW and others.

We resumed with cross examination of Barbara Lewis. A document was shown to her that listed the Kinko’s that they could use after the trusteeship. A receipt dated January 28, 2009 showed an amount of $41,871.71 paid to Kinko’s for decertification petitions. While testifying on the stand she stated it a trusteeship is a “sad moment.” Then there was a video clip shown where she is telling the members “it’s a great day for our union.” On an email from Barbara Lewis dated January 22, 2009 she advised everyone they were on 24-hour alert. They were to keep phones on them at all time and wouldn’t be getting any sleep. We are in code “Orange.”

Ok so which one was it – sad or happy? This is so much like all the defense case has been.

Witness John Borsos. As with so many others he couldn’t remember attending key meetings. He said it’s hard to remember because sometimes meetings would be scheduled and they would sometimes be canceled.

I had to cough and had to step out of the court room. But I was watching through the window when Judge Alsup went off on Borsos for something he was doing. Sorry I missed that one!!!!!

The final witness for the defense was Eloise Reese-Burns. She is a worker at North American Long Term care facility. She is a NUHW supporter and stated that she knew about the contract extensions being canceled.

Defense rest….

In our rebuttal, they played a video clip of Elizabeth Ortega’s deposition where she admitted that she told Jennifer Castro to return to Sacramento and leave yellow cards and sign in sheets with Marti Garza.

Tomorrow we will hear closing arguments. Then Judge Alsup will give the jury their instructions. We will then be on stand-by until the jury delivers the verdict for all 26 defendets.

Stay tuned and be sure and give us your comments on the blog.


  1. ...telling it like it is...good job, mary...

  2. Where were all you bloggers before the trial? Did SEIU pay you to blog? It's a little late to be coming into the battle for union democracy.

  3. Thank you for your time and efforts, Mary.

    Pay no attention to "Keyser Soze". He is more comfortable with lapping up whatever the lying, cheating scumbags at Brand X union feed him, and doesn't understand the difference between spouting horsehockey and testifying under oath.

    Since we are talking about a trial, it is interesting that he is attempting the Brand X legal team's trick. You know, the one that goes: if you have neither the facts nor the law on your side, pound on the table. Only here the version goes: if the blogger is accurately reporting on the testimony of people caught in a lot of lies, accuse the blogger of being paid to do so

  4. Its amazing...I just read up on SEIU vs. Torren Colcord......they did the exact same thing that they sued for just a few years ago. Perhaps they thought they would be smarter and get a way with it.

    A quote from Sac Bizjournal..."It's a substantial judgment for substantial wrongdoing," said Dan Martin, administrative vice president for SEIU-United Healthcare Workers West. "They were on payroll, supposed to be looking out for members, and they did just the opposite. It's an example of what happens when people put their own personal ambitions above the interests of the union."


